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Swiss. 12:06 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Prowse was the man..I'd be interested to watch that doc.

Totally agree what's being said about the franchise. But for me to put it simpley I ain't paid to watch any Star Wars since Ep3 when the kids were still smallish. And I have to say I'm glad I haven't. If people still want to get into it fair play.

Far Cough 12:04 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Because it's unbelievable shit, the first three were OK ish,

Northern Sold 12:03 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Why Cough?? It's making shitloads.... Disney got their paws on it now so you can imagine it's gonna make a shed load money... if people don't like it... don't go and see the next one... got 2 oddball freaks here at work almost had a breakdown when they watched the film (queued up 1st thing on release day)... talk about pulling it apart... but guaranteed when the next one rolls up... they'll be first in the queue

Far Cough 11:56 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
It's about time they wound this fucking franchise up

Northern Sold 11:56 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Yeah but Miike Ok nothing probably comes close to the first 3 films but people love the franchise... they still go and watch the films and buy the stuff... I don't see the problem... and yeah I watched that Prowse doc'...

Takashi Miike 11:50 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
*Dave Prowse documentary*

Takashi Miike 11:50 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
and if you want to gauge the cuntiness of Lucas, just watch the Dave Prowse or the non existence of the strange cunt on other documentaries about the film

Eggbert Nobacon 11:48 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Sniper 11:32 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
No matter how disappointed or angry you may be, nothing compares to Mark Hamill - check out any interview with him about force awakens or last Jedi on YouTube - he’s not a happy rein at all!

He's said he was wrong to say all that after seeing the final cut

Not sure what his gripe was anyway

that Luke ran away rather than fight?

that's EXACTLY what Obi-Wan and Yoda did too in the original 3 films

Takashi Miike 11:48 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
yes, its star wars, a franchise that should have been left alone after the first three films but wasn't due to Lucas's greed and his obsession with cunt characters like jar jar fucking binks

Northern Sold 11:46 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Blimey don't people go deep... it's Star Wars... you know lazer guns, droids and funny looking creatures... what did you expect... Brando and On the Waterfront ?

Sniper 11:32 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
No matter how disappointed or angry you may be, nothing compares to Mark Hamill - check out any interview with him about force awakens or last Jedi on YouTube - he’s not a happy rein at all!

Eggbert Nobacon 11:16 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Snoke's backstory doesn't matter.

He was exactly like the Emperor in the original series

appeared via hologram
strong with force
zero backstory
died after 1 big scene

Far East Hammer 11:13 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Finally went to see it on Saturday with Far East Hammerrette.

We hadn't been greatly impressed by Force Awakens, but thought that as per Attack of the Clones it'd be better than its predecessor. Following Rogue One, we thought it might be back on track.

But how wrong we were!

I think my daughter was entertained by my running commentary / complaints. The film itself, what a load of cobblers. She spent yesterday at school discussing with friends just how crap it was.

Those fucking bird things and the walking fish added nothing. The opening sequence was cringeworthy. Carrie's Mary Poppins sequence might have held-up if other bits of the film were better (i.e. reminding us that she has force powers) but in the end just added to the heap of cobblers that the film was.

I think it was a really bad move for the franchise, sort of now saying anyone can come out of anywhere and Snoke's backstory doesn't matter. Leaves the whole thing making no sense (even within the Star Wars fantasy realm). Episodes 1 to 7 (plus Rogue One) held to that concept of family, backstories and context holding together. OK, maybe they wanted to soften that tie-in to enable more story arcs to be developed in future. But they ended up IMHO tearing up most of what held the various Star Wars films together up until now.

A real disappointment after Rogue One, which I thought was a good film and fed into the Star Wars legend. The Last Jedi on the other hand, pretty much killed it off.

The thought of Jar Jar Binks now resurfacing in Episode 9, revealing that he was the key puppetmaster all along (or Darth whatever-it-was-that-came-before-Palpatine) actually now seems appealing in comparison to continuing along the trajectory set by the Last Jedi!

Eddie B 8:45 Tue Jan 16
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Saw it last night. WTF was that all about with those bird type things? Too Ewok-ie for me.
And the casino scenes reminded me of the phantom menace too.


Hammer and Pickle 9:24 Fri Dec 22
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Admit it Cough.

Far Cough 8:56 Fri Dec 22
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
He never makes sense, he's autistic you see

gank 8:51 Fri Dec 22
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Doesn't even make sense.

Hammer and Pickle 8:43 Fri Dec 22
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Far Cough is a one-eyed Obi-Wan Kenobi - that's the link Gank, my young padawan.

gank 8:41 Fri Dec 22
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Thread subject and content
As with WHO of old, we would regard the WHO community as an online group of West Ham fans who will naturally want to discuss other topics!

Feed Me Chicken 8:34 Fri Dec 22
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
Enjoyed it.......apart from Leia’s weird space game, perfect opportunity to kill her off there.

People really should stop taking these films so serious.

The Stoat 1:44 Tue Dec 19
Re: Star Wars The Last Jedi (spoilers included)
What's this got to do with WEST HAM?

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